
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Dessert Recipes Everyone Should Know

  This is an affiliated post. All opinions expressed are in agreement with my own.

Even if you don’t necessarily have much of a sweet tooth, it’s a great idea to have a number of dessert recipes in your back pocket, at the very least for a special occasion. Being able to cook some delicious desserts can really make a huge difference to your cooking repertoire, and here are some dessert recipes that everyone should know how to cook. While simple, they are also deceptively delicious and great to know.

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No-Bake Cheesecake

When you want to just whip something up for dessert, it’s great if you have the ability to do so without even needing to bake anything. One example of the kind of recipe that you can follow in this respect is a no-bake cheesecake. This kind of cheesecake simply needs to sit in the fridge for an hour or so to set, and it truly is one of the simplest and easiest desserts out there that you can make. What’s more, you can add whatever you like to it to make it that little bit special, but the basic method will always be simple enough.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

There will doubtless be countless times when your children want to eat chocolate chip cookies, and being able to produce some amazing and delicious ones whenever you need to can be really helpful on those occasions. As it happens, even the best homemade chocolate chip cookies are easy enough to make, so it’s something that you should definitely look into if you want to make sure you can whip these out whenever you need to. In general, the more chocolatey they are, the better they will be received, so make sure you are thinking about that!

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Another dessert famed for being simple to put together is the long-admired lemon drizzle cake. This cake is so delicious and sumptuous that you will want to eat it every week, and the method is so straightforward that you are going to find it incredibly simple to carry out, even if you don’t have a huge amount of experience of producing this kind of dessert. Just make sure that you are squeezing plenty of lemons into it to make the icing, as that is where this dessert really comes together.

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Eton Mess

Another very easy dessert that is nonetheless delicious is the famous Eton mess. This is a deconstructed pavlova, so it's very simple to put together - or take apart, depending on how you view it! To make an Eton mess, you just need to combine meringues, cream, and a fruit of your choice. And that is really it. You can play around with the look of it and how it is presented, and add in whatever other ingredients you might think are delicious, but essentially this is all an Eton mess actually is, so it’s a very simple and straightforward recipe to have in mind. 

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