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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Approaches to Try with Your Steak Dinners

This is an affiliated post. All opinions expressed are in agreement with my own. 

I’ve been searching for the perfect way to prepare steak…I’m not a fan of the grill and am much more comfortable using my oven inside the house…

Here’s some helpful stuff to keep in mind: in many cases, the simplicity of cooking a steak is one of its strengths. There are few individual ingredients that can do so much heavy lifting when it’s well-made. However, whether you’re trying to make a fancy meal for some guests, making it for a special occasion, or simply want to see how far you can take your steak with new options, there are ways to make it much more interesting. Here, we’re going to look at a few.

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Use the Right Sides

One of the simplest ways to elevate your steak meals is by pairing them with the right sides. A perfectly cooked steak deserves accompaniments that complement its rich flavors without overpowering them. Mushrooms are a classic choice, their earthy tones bringing out the savory notes of the meat. Sautéed in butter with garlic and a splash of white wine, they provide a luxurious partner to the steak. But don’t stop at mushrooms. Think about adding roasted vegetables like asparagus or Brussels sprouts, which offer a crisp contrast to the tender steak. Steak fries are another staple, but try adding a host of seasonings and spices for that southern roadhouse twist. A good dipping sauce can be an excellent addition to the plate, as well.

Make It an Ingredient

Steak doesn’t always have to be the star of the show; sometimes, it’s even better as part of a bigger picture. Incorporating steak into other dishes is a creative way to add variety to your meals. Think of a hearty steak and ale pie, where tender chunks of beef are enveloped in a rich, flavorful gravy and topped with a flaky crust. Or consider a stir fry, where thin slices of steak are quickly seared and tossed with vibrant vegetables and a savory sauce, creating a dish that’s both satisfying and full of complex flavors. 

Cook It Just Right

The way you cook your steak can make all the difference between a meal that’s just okay and one that’s truly memorable. This grilled ribeye recipe is a great example of how to handle your meat. Start by letting the steak come to room temperature before cooking, which ensures even cooking throughout. Salt the meat ahead of time, allowing the seasoning to penetrate the steak, enhancing its natural flavors. When it’s time to cook, make sure your pan or grill is hot enough to sear the steak, creating that delicious crust. Once cooked to your desired level of doneness, let the steak rest for a few minutes before cutting into it.

Try Something New with It

If you’re stuck in a rut with your steak seasoning, why not try something entirely different? A togarashi crust, for example, can add a spicy, zesty kick to your steak, giving it a unique flavor profile that’s sure to excite your taste buds. Togarashi, a spice blend, typically includes chili pepper, sesame seeds, orange peel, and nori, providing a complex combination of flavors that can take your steak in a completely new direction. Experimenting with different herbs and spices can open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to discover new and exciting ways to enjoy steak.

With the tips above, you should easily see that you have real options in how you handle your steak. Don’t be afraid to try something new with it.

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