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Thursday, September 5, 2024

How to Have Fun When You’re at Home Alone

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When you’re generally a busy person with lots of friends and family around you most of the time, it can be really hard to unwind and have fun when you do find yourself alone, especially when you are at home and you can’t just pop into a coffee shop or explore the local park. 

But, being able to entertain yourself when you are alone is a really good life skill that will ensure that you don’t end up feeling sad or bored when there is a natural lull in life’s activities. So, that being the case, let’s take a look at a few things you can do to find yourself in that situation.

1. Become a Solitaire Aficionado

Far from the dusty decks of cards of your grandparents' attic, solitaire can actually be a riveting test of strategy and patience, and one you can even play online. Shuffle up a deck and spread out on your living room floor for a classic game, or go digital with one of the many apps available. Watch as the hours (and cards) fly by as you try to beat your own high score. It's like playing chess, but the pawns are all hearts and spades.

2. Master Chef: Home Edition

Why not use this time to discover or rediscover your inner culinary genius? Tackle that one recipe you’ve been dodging because it has more than five steps, or invent something new with whatever you've got in the pantry. Imagine you're on a cooking show where the challenge is to create something edible from half a cucumber, soy sauce, and three kinds of cheese. Broadcast your cooking adventures on social media, or simply enjoy the feast yourself. Remember, you only need to impress the most important critic: you.

3. Dance Like Everyone is NOT Watching

There’s something incredibly freeing about dancing alone in your living room. It’s your chance to throw out moves so wild and wonderful that they’d surely be banned in public. Put on your favorite upbeat tracks and dance like you’re the star of your own concert. For an added twist, throw on a funky outfit or costume to really get into character. It’s all the fun of a night out, with none of the queueing at the bar.

4. DIY Spa Day

Turn your bathroom into a spa with a home pampering session. Light some candles, throw in a bath bomb, and soak away the solitude with a good book or some soothing music. Afterward, treat yourself to a face mask or a DIY mani-pedi. It’s a great way to relax and love the incredible person you see in the mirror every day. Plus, it’s significantly cheaper than a real spa!

5. Binge-Watch Bliss

Got a series or movie marathon you’ve been dying to start (or finish)? Now’s your chance. Build a fort of blankets and pillows in your living room and settle in for a good old-fashioned binge-watch. The best part? No one can judge you for watching "The Great British Bake Off" for eight hours straight or gasping aloud at every plot twist in "Stranger Things."

6. Get Crafty

Tap into your creative side with some arts and crafts. Whether you’re into painting, drawing, sewing, or scrapbooking, creating something can be incredibly satisfying. Not only does it pass the time, but you also get a neat little keepsake out of it. And if it doesn’t turn out quite right? No witnesses! This one’s my personal favorite…there’s nothing like a good session painting, or crafting in other ways. 

7. Read a Book

Remember books? Those things before the internet? Dust off a novel from your shelf or download a new e-book and lose yourself in a story. Reading is a fantastic way to escape reality and dive into different worlds, all from the comfort of your couch. It’s like a vacation for your mind, without the need for luggage.

8. Exercise Your Freedom

And no, we don’t just mean your right to wear pajamas all day. Try out a new workout video, practice yoga, or do some meditation. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and energy levels, even if you’re just following a YouTube tutorial in your living room. Plus, you can say you went to the gym (sort of).

9. Connect Digitally

Just because you’re physically alone doesn’t mean you can’t socialize. Fire up a video call and have a digital hangout with friends or family. Play games, eat dinner together virtually, or just catch up. It’s a wonderful way to feel connected, even when you’re apart.

As you can see, being home alone really can be a lot of fun, so embrace it whenever you get the chance!

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