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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

5 Tips to Throw a Great BBQ That Everyone Will Love

This is an affiliated post. All opinions expressed are in agreement with my own. 

Image Credit: Myles Tan from Unsplash.

A barbeque is always appealing during the summer months, and it’s easy to see why. It’ll be great food, and you can have a lot of fun when you throw a great BBQ.

The trick to this is actually making sure your BBQ party is as great as possible. It’s not just a matter of slapping some meat on the grill and hoping for the best. You’ll actually need to put some time and effort into it, and you’ll end up having a great time. Your guests should enjoy themselves, too.

Using a few tips and tricks can help with this a lot more than you’d think. It’s worth diving into five of the more notable of them.

Throw a Great BBQ: 5 Tips to Use

1. Plan Out Some Games

While the food will be the main draw of a BBQ, it doesn’t mean that’s all you should plan out. It’s worth having a few games to play while the BBQ party happens.

It’ll help to make sure everyone enjoys themselves and the party is as great as possible. There are more than a few of these you can plan out, like giant Jenga and some lawn games. They’ll be a lot of fun, and you don’t even need to spend a lot of time planning them out.

Keep your guests’ interests in mind when you’re picking out the games.

2. Create a Playlist

It’s always worth having some music playing in the background during your BBQ. It helps to create a bit of an atmosphere, and your guests will enjoy it.

That doesn’t mean just tossing on the radio or hooking up an iPod to a speaker, though. Instead, it’s worth putting a little time and effort into creating a playlist specifically for your BBQ. It’ll help to make sure the songs that play are actually ones your guests will enjoy.

Focus on the type of atmosphere you want to create for your guests, and go with songs that help to create that.

3. Prep Your Food

The food will naturally be the most important part of the BBQ, and you’ll want to make sure it’s as amazing as possible. That usually means spending some time preparing it.

If you do this as the BBQ party starts, then you could end up feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed. Do what you can to get this out of the way a little before the party starts. It saves you from a lot of time and stress once the BBQ gets going.

This shouldn’t even need to be too hard. With the right burger seasoning and other bits, it’ll be relatively easy.

4. Make Sure There Are Enough Seats

Few people want to stand when they’re eating, so you’ll have to make sure there are enough seats for everyone. This can be one of the easier areas to forget about.

Make sure you don’t. You’ll want your guests to be comfortable when they’re at your BBQ, so put the time and effort into it. That’s especially true if there’ll be quite a few physically active games during the party. Your guests will want somewhere to sit down and relax for a while.

Consider how many guests you have coming over, and make sure there’s a seat for everyone.

5. Don’t Overlook Safety

BBQing can be an inherently dangerous task, even if you’ve done it plenty of times before. It’s something you’ll need to be careful with.

Make sure you focus on safety before and during your BBQ so something doesn’t happen. The most obvious risk is a fire, and people could burn themselves on the grill. Even practicing basic safety is enough to help with this. Before the BBQ, make sure the grill is clean and there isn’t a lot of grease built up.

While that could mean spending a bit of time cleaning it out, it’ll be more than worth it.

Throw a Great BBQ: Wrapping Up

Trying to throw a great BBQ often seems like a lot of stress. There’ll be a lot to prepare for, and it never goes well if you leave it until the last minute.

That doesn’t mean it has to be stressful, though. It’s just a matter of using the right tips, and you’ll end up throwing an amazing BBQ. Not only will your guests have a great time, but you will, too. Once you know what you’re doing, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

There’s nothing stopping you from making sure it’s amazing.

Also, make sure you have a bug deterrent plan in place...tiki torches, pre-spraying your yard for mosquitos, etc!

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