
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

DIY Pokeball Ornament

I never thought that fads I loved in middle school would be what my children are into, but Pokemon is one of those that my boys are obsessed with. My 2 year old daughter knows more Pokemon names than I thought possible thanks to her big brothers! So, this year we made some Pokeballs to decorate our Christmas tree with:
DIY Pokeball Ornament

I got some red and green ornaments at a garage sale for 50 cents and put them to good use :). I painted the bottom half of the red ornaments with white paint. This required two coats. Be careful, because the red paint on our ornaments rubbed right off if we made a mistake and tried to wipe off the white paint.
DIY Pokeball Ornament
To dry them, I hung them over a large bowl. Once those were dry, I painted a black line around the middle, with a black circle on one side.
DIY Pokeball Ornament

After that dried, I painted a white circle in the middle of that black circle. I also put my kids' initials and '16 on the back of each ornament.
DIY Pokeball Ornament

Then it was time to adorn our tree with our Pokeballs!
DIY Pokeball Ornament
I'd love to see yours if you make some!

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