
Monday, August 22, 2011

Lysol Review and Giveaway! (CLOSED)

My oldest son is heading to school soon and while I am thrilled for him and the opportunities that he will have with his teacher and peers, I also recognize that we will be inviting all sorts of germs into our home once he is around so many kids. 

Now, you can buy Lysol Disinfecting Wipes with dual action: a soft side for regular cleaning and a coarse side for tougher jobs. I am completely in love with these wipes because I can use them for so many jobs and I know I am disinfecting the surfaces I use them on! The scrubbing side works wonderfully and saves me having to use another scrubber to clean tough jobs. Plus, the wipes kill 99.9% of germs including H1N1.

The Lysol Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System is also fun to have around. Kids don’t have to use a pump or bar soap and will find it entertaining to watch soap magically appear on their hands. Though I find the system funny because soap is going to clean the germs off your hands whether you touch a pump or not, I have loved having this system in our home, especially for my potty training 2 year old who gets so excited about going potty because he knows he will get to use this system.
For more information, please visit the following links:
Join Lysol on Tuesday, August 23rd at 1pm CST for a live chat session about fighting germs during back-to-school season, hosted by Lysol’s head microbiologist Joe Rubino. You can find the live chat on the Lysol website or on Lysol’s Facebook page.

AND you can enter here to win your very own Lysol Disinfecting Wipes and Healthy Touch No-Touch System!

Mandatory Entry: Visit Lysol and tell me in a comment something you learned. Please make sure your e-mail is either in your comments or in a public profile so I can contact you if you win!
Bonus Entries (leave a comment for each additional entry):
  • Like Lysol on Facebook
  • Follow my blog via GFC
  • Like What I Live For on Facebook.
  • Follow me on Twitter & leave your Twitter id.
This giveaway will last until Wednesday August 31 at 11:00 PM Central and I will announce the winner on Thursday September 1.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a Lysol package for free in exchange for my honest review of the product. I am not being compensated for this post and all opinions expressed herein are mine.


  1. I learned that there is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning wont kill the germs that make my family safe!

    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  2. I like Lysol on FB
    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  3. I follow via GFC :D
    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  4. I like you on FB
    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  5. I follow you on Twitter, laprochaine.
    laprochaine at gmail dot com

  6. Hi! I’m following your blog. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. If you’re ever interested in a blog makeover please let me know. Take a look at my portfolio and packages when you get a chance. Hope you are having a Sweet Week.

    A Mommy’s Blog Design Studio
    Join us every Friday for our Blog Hop!
    Review and Giveaway Blog Directory

  7. Oh yes! The germ season will soon begin. Love the Lysol kit.

  8. I did not know that allergens can be worse with a window unit vs a central air unit.

    kat_1982us at

  9. I learned that the greatest risk of infection in the bathroom comes from surfaces that are frequently touched — like the toilet flush handle, toilet seat, faucets, and door handles. The following tips cover the basic steps to cleaning the bathroom, including preventing the growth of mold and mildew.

  10. I Like Lysol on Facebook
    (Tamara Bennington)

  11. Follower GFC

  12. I Like What I Live For on Facebook.
    (Tamara Bennington)

  13. I visited the website and here something I learned. Freshen the air and remove airborne odors with a sanitizing spray.

    mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

  14. following you on gfc

    mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

  15. Like you on facebook

    mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

  16. following you on twitter

    mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

  17. I learned that LYSOL® Healthy Touch
    No-Touch Hand Soap System was voted product of the year!

  18. I learned several ways to try to prevent my family getting colds or the flu this winter, like using disinfecting wipes on home surfaces like bedside tables, toys and kitchen counters. I also use Lysol on doorknobs and light switches...any surface that is frequently touched.

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  19. I LIKE Lysol on Facebook.
    (Heather S Chaffer)
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  20. big difference between cleaning and disinfecting

  21. I learned that there is a rebate for lysol ,

  22. I like Lysol on facebook
    ( claudia n)
    nclaudia25 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. Health matters. That's why Lysol started the Lysol Mission for Health. With new mom programs, healthy habits initiatives in schools and disaster relief efforts, Lysol is dedicated to doing more for health.

  24. I learned from the Lysol website to wash decorative pillows and keep them off your bed to reduce allergens in your bedroom.
    reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

  25. I learned that the Lysol No Touch was voted product of the year!

    lexijo213 at yahoo dot com

  26. I follow you via GFC!

  27. I like you on facebook!

    lexijo213 at yahoo dot com

  28. I follow you on GFC!

    lexijo213 at yahoo dot com

  29. I learned that this system's antibacterial hand soap kills 99.9% of bacteria on hands which is so important with a baby in the house
    Jamie Brigham
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  30. I am a fan of Lysol on Facebook
    Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  31. GFC follower- Jamie Brigham *GFC Name*
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  32. I am a FB fan of What I live for
    Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  33. I am following you on Twitter
    Jamie Brigham
    cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

  34. ops mt twitter id Is Buttonsmcfly

  35. I checked out Lysol and learned that viruses need a host to infect in order to reproduce. creepy.

  36. I did not know that lysol made a fabric mist (Lysol Neutra Air Fabric Mist)

    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  37. I follow you on FB as Amy Brown Whitley
    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  38. I follow Lysol on FB as Amy Brown Whitley
    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  39. I learned that lysol gets rid of the smells , not just covers them up.

    trisha71478 at gmail dot com

  40. Follow you on gfc

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    Patriica Blair Alner

    trisha71478 at gmail dot com

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