
Thursday, August 4, 2011

FoundIt Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Have you ever lost something important, along with any hope of it ever being returned to you? Has your child lost their favorite toy and spent who knows how long mourning their loss?

FoundIt is a company that works to reunite owners with their misplaced valuables from phones to computers to a favorite dump truck. Once you sign up for one of the packages available, FoundIt will mail you stickers and/or tags to affix to your items.

If you lose something, ideally whoever finds it will see the sticker, and text FoundIt with your ID number or enter on their website. FoundIt will automatically/instantly text you and email you to put you in contact with whoever found your stuff.

As soon as my MacDaddy package arrived, I started looking around for anything I could put the stickers and tags on the possibilities truly are endless! I really like that none of my personal information is made available to whoever finds my stuff, but still provides them with a way to notify me. And, I really like how easy it is to get everything set up. This seems like a simple way to be reunited with my stuff should we ever become separated :).

56% of us will lose or misplace our phones once a month…and 70% of items that are turned into lost and founds are never claimed. Make sure your lost valuables can come back to you!

And now for the GIVEAWAY! One lucky reader will win their very own MacDaddy package. This is a package valued at $24.99 and includes 4 years of access to FoundIt, 62 stickers, 2 key tags, 3 bag tags, 1 luggage tag and 2 pet tags.

Mandatory Entry: Have you ever lost something valuable? Did someone return it to you or is it still MIA? Tell me about it in a comment. Please make sure your e-mail is either in your comments or in a public profile so I can contact you if you win!

Bonus Entries (leave a comment for each additional entry):

  • Follow FoundIt on Twitter and tell me your Twitter id.
  • Like FoundIt on Facebook
  • Mention this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter making sure to mention @Foundittoday (Twitter) or @FoundIt (Facebook)
  • Follow my blog via GFC
  • Like What I Live For on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter & leave your Twitter id.

This giveaway will last until Wednesday August 10 at 11:00 PM Central and I will announce the winner on Thursday August 11.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a MacDaddy package for free in exchange for my honest review of the product. I will be compensated for this post but all opinions expressed herein are mine.


  1. Great concept. Just hope who finds it doesn't want it .

  2. this is a good idea. I don't think I've ever really lost anything too valuable...not that I can think of!! I know someone that lost a camera though. that was a bummer.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  3. I lost my purse a few years back... a very nice woman found it and started calling every contact in my phone until she found my husband! Good karma to her!!!

  4. I Follow FoundIt on Twitter - gypsiesthread

  5. I Like FoundIt on Facebook

  6. I follow via GFC

  7. I Like What I Live For on Facebook

  8. Following you on Twitter. ssreddick

  9. Following you on GFC. Sarah Reddick

  10. Like you on Facebook. Sarah Reddick

  11. Following FoundIt on Twitter. ssreddick

  12. I lost my wallet (many years ago) and thank goodness someone returned it!!! I was in a panic for 2 days. This was before internet so I didn't have the internet fraud to worry about.

