
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Smoothie Rock-A-Teller Book Review

The classic story of David & Goliath is well-known and a favorite Bible story for many children because of David’s success despite all of the odds stacked against him. But…we usually only hear the story from one perspective. You may ask how many perspectives there are and I would too, but Dr. Gerald Mittmann has taken this story to a whole new level. If rocks could talk and feel, what would the rock that killed Goliath have to say? What story would that rock tell?

Smoothie Rock-A-Teller is the stone that was shaped and smoothed over time specifically for the purpose of being placed in David’s sling and killing Goliath.

I am always on the lookout for different ways to teach my children stories from the scriptures and I thought this book presented the story from a fun and intriguing perspective. Immediately after we read this book for the first time, my 4 year old was playing his own version of David and Goliath with his toy cards and I love to see that he story has made an impression on his mind.

Honestly, it took a while for me to warm up to this book. My 4 year old has insisted on reading it daily since we got it and at first I felt that this book was way beyond his comprehension. It is a long book for young children to sit through and much of the story confused K because it was from a different perspective. Smoothie gives everything his own names (ie people are “talking-walk-abouts”, sheep are “baa-baa-mini-cloud-walkers”, etc), and I found myself feeling the need to replace those names as I read with the names K is familiar with. Now that we’ve read it several times I no longer need to and he understands the story just fine. I think this book would be perfect for children around 6-8 years old who would be able to understand it even better.

My only other complaint is how random the text is…it is arranged sometimes confusingly, jumping all over the page and I often miss parts of the story and have to go back and figure out what order the paragraphs are supposed to go in.

All complaints aside, above all, this book is a wonderful reminder of God’s love for each of us and of His presence in our lives. This is a fun book for any child with lots of pictures and great review questions at the end of each chapter.

This book is written by Dr. Gerald Mittmann, published by Deep River Books, and is available for $12.99. ISBN 978-1-935265-78-8. To learn more, visit

I’m so grateful to Bring It On Communications for the opportunity to review this book for free. To read more reviews like this one,
go to Tell Us The Truth Reviews! I was provided with this book for free in exchange for my open and honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are mine.


  1. I'm your newest follower from the hop, check me out at whenever you can:)

  2. So cool! I can just imagine all the questions my daughter would ask. I'm guilty of often times looking at the scripture from one side & life as well.

  3. Love this book. Thanks for the review. I'm already following you but stopping in to give you thanks for stopping in and entering the Blog Bash Giveaway on my blog! I appreciate it and am following your blog. xoxo SusieQTpies

  4. I love books like this. Your review sounded honest--love that you can recommend a book yet be honest about what you didn't care for. I loved reading aloud to my children and now to my grandchildren. You've given a child a fortune if you give him a love for books.

    Thanks for the review.

  5. @Pamela, thank you for your kind comment...I really do hope that anyone who reads this review will have a good idea of what to expect from this book. I love the smile my son gets when I read to him and I can only hope he is gaining a great love for reading :).

  6. We love books here so thanks for sharing. I also have 2 little boys :) New follower from It's Almost Friday hop.
    Debbie from

  7. I wanted to come by and say HI and welcome you to VB! I hope you find it just as enjoyable as I do! I am addicted to!

    When you get the chance please stop by and say HI over at my blog ...


  8. Hmmm I am very interested! This sounds intriguing and I love when a book is written from a different point of view

