
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Glass Jar Acid Etching

Did you know you can etch your own glass items and personalize them however you please? All you need is a glass etching cream like Armour Etch which can be found at stores like Hobby Lobby. The cream I have costs about $20, so wait until you have a coupon for 40% off or something of the sort.DSCN5172

The process is fairly simple but a bit time consuming if you’re not blessed with a Cricut…


  1. Figure out what you want to etch into your glass object. Print out or draw a stencil. I used Word Art to make a stencil for my flour jar. On a side note, “Flour” looks really weird if you stare at it too long!DSCN5163
  2. Lay the stencil on top of contact paper and tape down so neither paper or contact paper slip. You can buy rolls of contact paper for a dollar at Dollar Tree and it works just fine so don’t spend a ton on vinyl unless you use it for something else. Cut out the stencil using an Exacto knife making sure to keep pieces that go inside like the inside of an “O”.DSCN5167
  3. Peel the contact paper off of the backing and place it on your glass object, making sure to smooth out the bubbles.DSCN5169
  4. Using a popsicle stick or paintbrush you don’t care much for, spread a thick layer of etching cream on the parts to be stenciled. Make sure it is thick enough that you can’t see through it and covers all of the glass you want etched.DSCN5170
  5. Leave it for 5-10 minutes…longer for Pyrex or similar products.
  6. Scrape off the excess etching cream and put it back in the container. You can reuse it next time :).
  7. The etching cream recommends wearing gloves. Wash the cream off using water. Dry and admire your work. DSCN5171

This is a great way to personalize gifts or just make your home more exciting.

I’m linking up to Crazy Cute Link Party @ Between U & Me, Making it with Allie @ What Allie’s Making, Crafty Soiree @ Yesterday on Tuesday, HomeMomMade, and Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions.


  1. That is so cute! I got a Cricut a few months ago and have been looking for useful projects like this to justify my purchase! I'm not very crafty but I really wanted one in hopes it would magically make me craftier! Haha. So far it hasn't worked but I do love this idea!

    Thank you for your nice comment at my blog Mom Always Finds Out. I came to visit back and I've been here before (GFC following!). Good luck with the rest of law school, my hubby finally got through a few year ago and we actually see him way more often!

  2. These make me stupidly excited! I should be getting my pantry done this weekend and then I shall be buying and etching glass jars, woohoo, thanks for the tutorial.

  3. this is a great way to personalize your own dishes too. Great idea,

    I'd love to have you stop by and link up for my new Blog Party.
    Make & Share
    Friday - Saturday .)

    ~ Christy

  4. Very fun!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  5. Very cute idea! I have been wanting to try etching cream for something - I'm glad to see yours turned out so well!

  6. This looks like a great thing to have on all types of items. The kitchen and craft room seem to stick out the most. I can't wait to try. Thanks for sharing.

