
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Birthday Interviews

If you’re looking for a fun idea, other than birthday letters, to preserve your child’s personality as they grow older…hold a birthday interview. This can be done by either writing up the questions and answers or video taping it.

Some of the questions we asked K that made us laugh were:
  • How old are you? “4, and my 3 and my 4 and my 1 and my 2” (all the ages he’s been)
  • What’s you favorite game? “E-mail”
  • What is something mom always says to you? “Go to a place”
  • What is something dad always says to you? “Put shoes on”
  • What makes you happy? when “C gives me toys”
  • What makes you sad? “Take a toy from me. If my baby brother does that.”
I love feeling the pages of journals as I read through my past, and I can only hope that my children will also enjoy holding these interview pages when they’re older and learning a bit about who they were and how far they’ve come.

I’m linking up to Works for Me Wednesday, and Tot Tuesday.


  1. Thanks Judy! Another GREAT idea! I am going to do this for my son, who turns 6 in July. :) Heather

  2. Wow I REALLY like this- I think I'll do a 3 1/2 birthday interview so I can get started right away- thank you:)

  3. This is such a cute idea :)It will be so much fun to look back each year!!

  4. So cute! I love this idea! I just wandered over from Tot Tuesdays. Cute blog!

