
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Get the Stink out of Dishcloths

When my husband and I got married, my mother-in-law gave me a beautiful, colorful batch of dishcloths that she had crocheted. Having been raised in a sponge home, it took me a while, but eventually I began to use and enjoy the benefits of dishcloths.

The downside? After a while, they can start to stink…if you’ve had stinky dishcloths you know exactly what I’m talking about! I had tried washing them and adding vinegar to the load but the smell was just as bad.

A while ago, I read somewhere in the blogosphere to soak the dishcloths in pure vinegar and I did overnight. Make sure they are completely immersed. I then washed them as normal, and guess what?! No stink! I was so excited that I can keep using the dishcloths my mother-in-law made since she passed away 2 years ago and I really don’t have many things from her.

Have you found any other methods that work to get the stink out?


  1. Great tip! Thanks! That is so wonderful that you have and use them.

  2. Good one. hi i am your GFC and twitter follower...hope you do the same...

  3. ♥Intresting post like all your blog♥

  4. Thanks for the tip. I've addded a capful of vinegar to the laundry before when i've let it sit to long and it sours to cut the smell it works.

    New follower from Say Hi Sunday hop.

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  5. I received a product to review months ago called SmellyWasher to clean your washing machine (as sometimes it's the washer that makes things stink) and it also cleans smelly towels and blankets. However vinegar is cheaper.

    I am now following you on GFC and I liked you on facebook too from the Swingin' Sundays blog hop. I'd love you to come visit me.

  6. That is a great tip. My grandmother made blankets for my baby recently but they have a smell like the fabric sat in an old closet for two long. I tried washing with vinegar but not soaking... off to the laundry room I go!

    I found you on the swingin' sunday blog hop.
    I am new to blogging- would love you to come visit!
