
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carrot Top

What did Gilbert call Anne? Carrots? Anyhow…if onions aren’t your thing but you are bound and determined to grow something this year, grow a carrot top (though I can’t guarantee you’ll get a carrot out of it!).

Seriously! My husband told me how he and his grandma would put the top of a carrot (the part you cut off) in an upside down lid, add water, and it would grow. DSCN5153


The carrot I started with had nothing on top other than a gross looking stump of where the greenery would have been, but after a day or two, shoots popped out and it just kept growing. Thankfully my husband was attentive to it to make sure it never ran out of water (you do need to check it daily) and so far it is thriving.

Once the carrot gets too gross to look at, you can throw it away and start again. This is an awesome experiment to do with kids to show them how plants grow, and they can literally track the growth from day to day because these things grow so fast.

I’m linking up to What are Little Boys Made of? @ Seven Thirty Three, Tot Tuesdays @ Delicious Ambiguity, and Works for Me Wednesday @ We Are That Family.


  1. Maybe that is a joke :) I love Anne of Green Gables. It is free on Kindle right now and I got that one and Avonlea. Thanks for coming by my blog, I appreciate it.

  2. My grandma used to do things like this, too. They were the only plants she didn't kill!

  3. Nifty idea! I've never heard of this but now I wont be throwing away the carrot tops when I make stew :D

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway!!!

    I'm now your newest follower, I think I'll be trying your carrot trick, that's pretty cool!!!! Have a great Thursday. I love your blog and can't wait to come back!


  5. Following you back from Mommy's Peanut Gallery :)

