
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Cream

We were some of the lucky recipients of the blizzard dubbed “snowmageddon” or the “snowpocalypse” that came last night. I’ve already heard these terms for other snow storms this year, but this just goes to show how excited folks around here are about this storm! The drifts are such that our back yard has 10+ inches of snow, and the front you can still see the grass poking through.

As we were getting ready to venture out into the snow, I remembered reading about Snow Cream on Simply Sweet Home and knew we had to try it.
Though my hubby and I weren’t tremendously impressed, I think this might have to become a tradition whenever we get a good snowstorm just for the novelty of making ice cream from snow. K ate 2 full bowls of it and probably would have eaten more had I let him!DSCN4874
I ended up halving Simply Sweet Home’s recipe and this is what I used:
  • 1/2 gallon of snow
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup milk
  • Chocolate topping if desired
  1. Gather your clean snow (don’t you love my super coordinated snow gear?!)DSCN4868
  2. Pour it in a bowl and add sugar and vanilla. Stir.
  3. Add milk and stir until you reach your desired consistency.
  4. Scoop into individual bowls and top with any desired toppings.
Snow cream tastes kind of like homemade ice cream, though the ice chunks that result from being snow were a bit different. Try this with your kids if you’re snowed in and enjoy the beauty all around you :).

I’m linking up to Tot Tuesday @ Delicious Ambiguity, Amaze Me August @ Bella Before & After, Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm, Anything Related @ All Thingz Related, Crazy Cute Link Party @ Between U & Me, What are little boys made of? @ Seven Thirty Three, and Food Fight Friday @ Choochmagooz..


  1. we made snow ice cream today, too! we used paula dean's recipe though. it called for 8c snow, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, a 2tsp vanilla. it was GOOD!!!

  2. We are being snowed in right now...blizzard conditions in Chicago! With no school tomorrow, I think we need to celebrate with some Snow Cream!

  3. We don't get snow here in FL (I am loving looking at all the photos, and my sons all live in TX so I see that THEY have snow!) but we always made snow ice cream when I was a kid with Eagle Brand (sweetened condensed milk) also (before Paula Dean!) I think it is the traditional way. It is really tasty, and I have no idea what the recipe was, but when my husband and I were first married and lived in Denver we made it several times over those first 2 winters. Then we moved to Midland TX and alas, snow was very rare. Now of course. But, I highly recommend any recipe that calls for Eagle Brand.

  4. haha, Snowmageddon was quite interesting! I'm up in Northern Illinois and my husband had to leave his car stranded in the middle of the road when he could drive no further and WALK home!!

