
Friday, November 12, 2010

Gratitude Tree

On Monday night, we had Family Home Evening, where we had a quick lesson about gratitude and what Thanksgiving is all about.

For the activity, we printed out several pages of leaves, colored them and wrote, or told Mommy & Daddy what to write, things we are grateful for. I gathered several sticks outside and taped the leaves to those sticks, and now we have a tree reminding us of how much we have to be grateful for.DSCN4416
I’ll be honest, I felt like the whole thing was a flop ending in tears and frustration because it didn’t go as planned, but K has asked several times about the tree, and each time I look at it, I am reminded about the many blessings I have in my life.

I am so blessed to have the beautiful boys I have, the loving husband who hugs and kisses me every day, the home we live in. We truly are so blessed!

Thank you Skip to My Lou & Everyday Mom Ideas for the inspiration!

I'm linking up to Crafty Soiree @ Yesterday on Tuesday, Crazy Cute Link Party @ Between U & Me, and  Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions.


  1. It's adorable! It sounds like a huge success since K asks about it. Maybe the lasting impact here is more valuable than the process of making it. :)

  2. I absolutely love this. It is so sweet, and what a beautiful, tangible way to build character in little ones! I think this is the nicest thing I have seen this week!

  3. That is adorable. The tree is so cute and I love that you all did it as a family. Great idea.
    Thanks for the comment on my guest post over at Family and Life in LV. Glad you liked the ideas.

