
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chocolate Banana Shake

Since I first saw Money Saving Mom's post on her shakes, my husband and I have had one of our own chocolate banana shakes almost every's like a ritual for us now and these shakes are so good! I will take these over ice cream any night and it's so much healthier.Chocolate Shake
A lot of the shake depends on personal preferences, but for our shakes we have:
  • 2 bananas fresh or frozen*
  • 1 cup(ish) of milk
  • chocolate syrup to taste
  • a huge glob of peanut or almond butter
  • honey to taste
  • if your bananas are fresh, you'll want some vanilla or chocolate ice cream. If you use chocolate, you can forgo the syrup. Add more for a thicker shake.

Throw all this in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into cups and savor the wonderful flavor of banana, chocolate and peanut butter mixed together. Delicious!

I usually throw in some of my sneaky veggie cubes if my husband isn't looking and his most recent complaint was that there was too much peanut butter...I couldn't even taste them.

*To freeze bananas, peel and lay on a cookie sheet. Flash freeze for an hour and put into freezer bags until ready to be used. If you freeze your bananas, you will not need any ice cream making this even healthier!

I'm linking up to WFMW @ We Are That Family,  Real Food Wednesdays @ Kelly The Kitchen Kop,

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