
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sneaky Vegetables

You all know how to make your own baby food right? You steam the fruit or veggie until it's soft, then stick it in the blender and puree it. Then you pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it until you need it. Super simple right? Stash them in a freezer bag so you can grab them easily.DSCN4021
Guess what? This doesn't just have to be for babies! Frozen pureed veggies are perfect for throwing into a smoothie (you'll hardly even notice if you use the right amount) or for using as fun colored ice cubes for kids' soup that's too hot. Sneak them into pancakes or lasagna, or whatever. Yes, it may be a small amount, and you'll still have to have veggies through other means, but every little bit helps right? And it most certainly doesn't hurt.

I personally throw several cubes of zucchini into my smoothie every day. Most of the time my husband doesn't know until he sees me throw some cubes into whatever I'm making. My kids most definitely don't have a clue! Try it...squash, zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, the list goes on and on.

I'm linking up to Works For Me Wednesday @ We Are That Family, and Tot Tuesday @ Delicious Ambiguity.

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