
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jack-o-lanterns From a Jar

I have a confession. Ever since I saw these adorable jars on a friend's blog, I have wanted to make these. So much so, that I begged for Mod Podge for Christmas last year (what! ya, I didn't have any Mod Podge to my name before Christmas...I'm sorry!). Anyhow, I've wanted to make these so much that I have been saving, hoarding and collecting various jars for the last the point that my husband has threatened to throw them away several times.

Halloween is coming a month and a half. If you're making decorations this year (you probably want to start soon anyhow right?), consider these:DSCN3949 All you need is however many jars you want to deal with, orange and black fabric or tissue paper (I used fabric, and lots of parentheses apparently), scissors, Mod Podge, ribbon and tea candles. Make sure your jar's mouths are wide enough to put tea candles in.

Ok, cut your fabric or tissue paper to the size of your jar, so it will wrap all the way around. Spread some Mod Podge on your jar and press the fabric onto it, working your way around. Make sure none of the fabric is on the inside of the jar and is cut even with or lower than the top of the jar so you can minimize those fire hazards.DSCN3941  DSCN3944

Cut out jack-o-lantern faces from black fabric, or paper, or tissue paper and use your lovely Mod Podge to adhere them to the fabric already adhered to your jar. Let that dry and spread some Mod Podge over the face to seal it on, and if you wish, spread Mod Podge over all the fabric to give it a glossy look.DSCN3942 Lighting your tea candle in your jar throughout the process just so you can see how cute it's turning out to be is totally least by my standards :)DSCN3943
Once your jar is dry, tie on or Mod Podge green ribbon to the top of the jar. You can even add a bow for some femininity, as if Mod Podged jars aren't feminine enough...DSCN3950
Insert the candles. If you want, use something sticky to keep the candles in place.

Use a long candle or one of those fancy long lighters to light your candles and bask in the cuteness of your little Jack-o-lanterns!DSCN3946
There you have it...super cute, cheap decorations for Halloween!DSCN3945
I'm linking up toShow and Tell @ Blue Cricket Design, It's Party Time @ Pony Tales and Fish Scales, Kids Craft @ Red Ted Art's Blog,  Penny Pinching Party @ Thrifty Home, Works for me Wednesday @ We Are That Family, and Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts, Fall Link Party @ Curly Q Crafts, and Crazy Cute Thursdays @ Between U & Me.


  1. Ooh, these are so so cute and look quite easy! I think I may give these a go with my son instead of pumpkins!

    Would love for you to stop by at Kids Get Crafty and link up too? Every Wednesday at Red Ted Art. This week's link is here:

    Hope to "see" you later?



  2. Oh, cuteness! I have so many Mason jars and scrap fabric. And Modge Podge. Oh, boy, a new fall project!

  3. That's a wonderful idea. I too never had Mod Podge until recently, but I still haven't opened the jar. Now I can't remember why I bought it, so I guess I'll have to try this! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Those are adorable! I can think of so many jars in my stash just begging for this...

  5. Love this idea! I'll have to start collecting jars!

  6. Love them! Link up to my party at

  7. How lovely! I will try to make these fabulous jars for Halloween too, thanks for the idea!

  8. Although we don't really celebrate Halloween Down Under my girl is looking forward to going Trick or Treating and might just like these (and I have to use that Mod Podge for something, don't I? :) )

  9. Wonderful idea! I hope you don't mind. I linked your post to my Porch and Garden Party at

  10. I totally love this idea and, if I can find some jars, I will totally steal it. Thanks!

  11. Super cute! What a great Halloween decoration!

  12. Adorable idea, I use to just paint empty cans. I'd freeze them first and then I'd use a nail for a punch tool and pound my design(with a hammer) into the frozen can, then set it in the sink to melt, spray it orange and paint a 'Jack O' Lantern' face around my holes, I'd add two holes on either side of top of can and add wire for a handle! They'd glow so sweetly...and like yours, all size cans work!!! Thanks for sharing yours, I can hardly wait to try them at school with our kiddos! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  13. Oh they are so cute! I really want to try making some. Thanks for sharing your talents!
    Have a wonderful life!

  14. This is so clever and cute! jack-o-lanterns are the best! I would love if you would come over to CRAZY CUTE Thursdays at Between U & Me and link this up! I know everyone over there would love this too! I am also your newest follower! ;)

  15. Love the fabric you used, these turned out so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  16. OMG these are so cute! How have I gotten through so much life without knowing what Mod Podge is? And where do I get me some?

  17. @Jen, Mod Podge is so wonderful...I use it frequently and it lasts forever! It can be a bit pricey, but if you take a 40% off coupon to Hobby Lobby or Michaels you can get a great deal on it.

