
Friday, August 6, 2010

Ice Cream in a Bag

I've been wanting to make ice cream in a can with K for quite a while but haven't found any cans that will work, when suddenly I found a post at My Computer is my Canvas solving my problems for me! Instead of using cans, it works just as well to use ziploc bags!

To start, gather all of your ingredients:DSCN3420
  • 1 C milk
  • 2 T sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 C ice
  • 3 T Rock Salt
  • Chocolate Syrup to taste (optional)
In a sandwich size ziploc baggie, combine your milk, sugar, vanilla and syrup. I only had gallon sized baggies which worked fine for us. Squeeze out air and seal.DSCN3421 DSCN3422
Put this baggie in a gallon sized ziploc baggie with ice and rock salt. Seal.

Shake, shake shake (!) for 10-20 minutes until your ice cream has formed. You should be able to feel through the baggies to tell if it's to the consistency you want it. The ice cream probably won't get much thicker than soft serve.
Notes to self:
  • Don't use generic baggies, or double bag all baggies for fear of leaks/holes/etc.
  • Don't make this ice cream in your kitchen just hours after sweeping and mopping...especially if you're using generic baggies!
  • Don't let your child grab the bowl he wants until you're done serving the ice cream for fear he'll grab the fullest bowl and will like it so much he won't share with you...even if you only got half of what he got ;)
Seriously though, this was fun to make and fun to eat! Make sure to devour asap because it melts quicker than it took to make it! And most importantly, enjoy! If you have a larger crew of kids, they can each make their own...because this recipe only makes enough for 1 or 2 people, and have each kid customize their ice cream.

I am linking up to Friday Fun Finds @ Kojo Designs, Home and Family Friday @ Home is Where My Story Begins, Fabulous Finds Friday @ 6 Inches of Ribbon, Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Tatertots & Jello, and Feature Yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the Fridge.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment and thanks for linking back to me... how great! :) Glad you had fun!

