
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Taggie Ball

I’ve been itching to try making these Taggie balls or Goof Balls that I found at Obsessively Stitching for ages, and so when my friend had a baby shower, I jumped on the chance! These are so fun to make and C and K both begged to play with it before I put it away for safe keeping! I might have to make another one for my boys…oh sigh! :)DSCN3299
What you’ll need:
  • Stencil (print the one below or make your own)
  • 6 pieces of coordinating fabric
  • Coordinating ribbon
  • Polyfill or other stuffing
1. Using the stencil below or one of your own (I just tried different shapes and found I liked this one the best) cut out 6 pieces.image0
2. Cut out however many ribbons you would like…I cut out about 30 ribbons, 3 inches long. Use different textures to make this ball extra fun for that baby!
3. On pieces 1 and 6, pin and baste your ribbons to the right side of the fabric with a zig zag stitch close to the edge so the stitches won’t show up when you sew the ball together. I used 2 or 3 on each side.
DSCN3292 4. Sew pieces 1 and 2 together, right sides facing each other. DSCN3293
5. On the other side, sew pieces 1 and 3 together. Make sure to keep the seams from 1 and 2 out of the way.DSCN3294  6. Now you have half of a ball. Sew 4 to 6 together, and then sew 5 to 6 on the other side, just like step 5. You now have two halves of your ball.DSCN3295 7. Sew ribbons onto pieces 2 and 3, just like you did in step 3.
8. Now sew pieces 3 and 4 together, right sides facing each other. Make sure to keep all of the other seams out of your way. DSCN3296 9. Sew pieces 2 and 5 together, leaving a gap big enough to turn your ball right side out.DSCN3297 10. Turn your ball right side out.DSCN3298
10. Stuff your cute little ball.
11. Ladder or whipstitch your ball closed and admire how darn cute it turned out!DSCN3299
I’m linking up to:
Making Monday Marvelous @ CRAFT, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, Frugalicious Friday @ Finding Fabulous, Saturday is Crafty Day @ Along for the Ride, Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative, Tot Tuesdays @ Delicious Ambiguity, Mad Skills Monday @ Super Stinky Boys, Making the World Cuter Monday @ Making the World Cuter


  1. You are so talented! thank you- Kate is loving playing with these!

  2. That came out perfect!! I've made a taggies blanket before but never a ball. Thanks for the tutorial!! :-)

  3. Super cute - that would make such a great shower gift! Thanks!

  4. Came from girl creative. This is great.

    I am hosting a linky party this week as part of my Christmas in July homemade gifts event.

    I would love for you to link this up there.

    Hope to see you soon!

    Just Another Day in Paradise

